Club Rules
1. Name & Address of Club
1.1 The club shall be called Baldoyle District Badminton Club (hereinafter called “the Club”).
1.2 The registered address of the Club shall be Baldoyle Badminton Centre, Unit 4, Grange Avenue, Baldoyle Industrial Estate, Dublin 13, D13 E8Y2.
2. Aims & Objectives
2.1 The primary objective of the Club shall be to foster and promote the playing of badminton according to the rules of Badminton Ireland to which it shall be affiliated.
Other objectives shall include:
2.2 The promotion of the game of badminton in all its forms.
2.3 To foster the development of members as players, umpires, coaches and individuals.
2.4 To provide a forum for members to interact and socialise through playing and non-playing activities.
3. Members/New Members
3.1 The Club shall be composed of adult members over 16 years of age and honorary members.
3.2 The number of members shall be decided by the Committee as they see fit, in light of
prevailing conditions.
3.3 If the membership limit is applied, a waiting list shall be drawn up and offers of membership made, as vacancies arise.
3.4 Individuals wishing to become a member of the Club shall complete the appropriate
application form.
3.5 Applications shall be reviewed and decided upon by the Committee.
3.6 Potential new members shall be allowed to attend club nights for a maximum of 2 nights before they must decide on joining the club. The fee per night will be €10.00. If they decide to join, any fees paid will be offset against the annual fees.
3.7 Members under 18 years old (i.e. 16 - 17 years old) must have parental consent together with the Club's appointed Child Safeguarding person present on all Club activities (unless parent is present in absence).
3.8 Members who join the Club after 1st November may be eligible for a reduced fee. This is at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee and will be Pro Rata.
3.9 All members are bound by the Club Rules & Regulations.
4. Executive Committee
4.1 The club shall have an Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”).
4.2 The Committee shall run the club on behalf of its members and in accordance with the Aims & Objectives.
4.3 The Committee shall consist of at least 7 members, who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) and functions shall include:
• Chairperson
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Match Secretary
4.4 To be eligible for election to the Committee, a candidate shall be a member of the club for at
least 2 full years.
4.5 All officers shall retire each year but shall be eligible for re-appointment.
4.6 Outgoing officers will ensure an effective handover of duties etc. on stepping down
4.7 Chairperson shall have casting vote.
4.8 A quorum shall be 4 members of the Committee.
5. Duties of the Executive Committee
5.1 The Chairperson shall be the Chief Officer of the Club whose functions include chairing all
meetings of the Committee and officiating at meetings of the Club.
5.2 The Chairperson (CP) or his/her designate (if CP unavailable to attend; whether that be Secretary or Treasurer) of any meeting shall have an ordinary vote at committee meetings and
meetings of the Club. In the event of a tied vote on any matter, he or she shall have the
casting vote.
5.3 The Secretary’s function shall be to deal with all correspondence and records of the Club.
5.4 The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Committee meetings and of the Annual General
5.5 The Secretary shall give notice to all members of the Club’s AGM.
5.6 The Match Secretary’s function shall be to organise the fixtures for all teams within the Club.
5.7 The Match Secretary shall submit the club teams to the Dublin & District Leagues & Cups
5.8 The Treasurer’s function shall be to administer the funds of the club and to maintain
accounts and budgets.
5.9 The Treasurer shall keep full records of income and expenditure of the Club.
5.10 The Treasurer shall sign all cheques and withdrawal forms for the Club’s bank account.
6. Selection Committee & Selection of Teams
6.1 At the AGM, a Selection Committee shall be elected for the following season.
6.2 The Selection Committee shall consist of 5 members (3 women & 2 men)
- (subject to changes made/agreed in the future)
6.3 The Selection Committee shall be responsible for selecting the members to be on the
various teams to be entered into the DDLC competitions.
6.4 Any member who elects to play cannot refuse to play on the team selected.
Such refusal may result in the member being withdrawn from all teams.
6.5 Any member who elects to play on a team or in a competition shall conduct himself/herself
in the best interest of the club.
6.6 A member shall remain on the Selection Committee for 3 consecutive years only, at the end
of which time he or she shall remain off the Selection Committee for two full years.
6.7 Where the Match Secretary is not a member of the Selection Committee, he or she shall
attend meetings of the Selection Committee to take details of the teams selected, in order
to ensure the timely submission of teams to the DDLC.
7. Finances
7.1 The income and property of the Club shall be applied solely towards the promotion of
badminton within the Club.
7.2 No portion of the Club’s income and property shall be paid or transferred directly or
indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit, to the
members of the Club.
7.3 No member will receive any remuneration or other benefit in money or money’s worth from the Club apart from the reimbursement of receipted expenses.
7.4 The Club financial year will run concurrently with the club season.
8. Club Fees
8.1 Annual subscriptions shall be decided at the AGM.
8.2 Current fees are €320.00 p.a.
8.2.1 €160.00 is payable on or before 30th September, with remaining balance of €160.00 due on or before 31st January in the following year.
8.2.2. Reduced fees / part time fees can only be only agreed by the Executive Committee.
8.3 Regardless of the annual fee in any given year, first instalment shall not be less than 50% of total annual fees.
8.4 If the appropriate sub has not been paid by 30th of September, he or she may be removed from
team representation until such fees are paid. A reminder will then be issued. If after reminder and 50% still not paid, a decision can be made at the discretion of Executive Committee with information supplied from the Treasurer.
9. General Meetings
9.1 The Annual General Meeting will normally be held in April of each year.
9.2 Notice of the AGM will be posted on the Club notice board by the Secretary, at least seven
days prior to the AGM.
9.3 A quorum of the AGM shall be 4 Committee members and 20 Club members.
9.4 Election of the officers of the Committee shall take place at the AGM.
9.4.1 Notice shall be given to all members of any vacant positions on the Executive (same notice on date of AGM).
9.4.2 Nominees for any of the Executive Committee must be in writing to the Club Secretary, 5 days before the AGM.
9.5 Any two paid up members of the Club may propose any other paid up member for the
Committee and any candidate receiving a larger number of votes than each of the other
candidates shall be deemed elected. In the event of a tie, there shall be a vote in which the
paid up members shall vote for either of the two said candidates. In the event of a further
tie, the Chairperson shall draw lots to elect the candidate.
9.6 Only fully paid up members of the Club may participate in any vote.
9.7 Only members in attendance can vote at the AGM or at an Extraordinary General Meeting
(EGM) – no votes may be cast by proxy.
9.8 The business of the AGM shall include:
• Election of relevant Committee members
• Annual reports from the outgoing Committee, which shall include the Treasurer’s
• Report on the finances of the Club
• Setting annual subs for the following season
• AOB at the time of the AGM
9.9 An EGM may be called at any time by the Chairperson, Executive Committee or by signature of 20 members.
9.10 If members do not attend week night/s before and during the League and or Cup season of DDLC, they will not be allowed to play on their selected teams but will be allowed to Sub, when and if required.
9.10.1 Team Captains are required to monitor and report to the Selection Committee on this. The decision of the Selection Committee is final.
10. Club Rule Changes
10.1 Changes to the Rules & Regulations of the Club may only be made at the Annual General
Meeting or at an Extraordinary General, and any such changes must receive the approval of
at least two-thirds of the members present and eligible to vote at the AGM or EGM.
11. Club Rule Infringements & Code of Conduct
11.1 All Club Members will treat their fellow Club Members/Opposition Teams/Match Officials and Others with respect and dignity.
11.2 As well as our own Club Rules, ALL members, without exception, shall adhere to the Badminton Ireland Code of Conduct.
11.2.1 The code is available to view and download on the website and also at
11.3 All complaints of members who infringe the Club Rules & Regulations shall be presented in writing to the Secretary.
11.4 The Committee shall meet to hear complaints and has the power to take appropriate
disciplinary action including the termination of membership without refund of any fees.
11.5 The outcome of a disciplinary hearing shall be notified in writing to the person who lodged
the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made.
11.6 There shall be the right to appeal to the Executive Committee following disciplinary action being announced.
11.7 The decision of the Executive Committee will be final in an appeals situation.
11.8 Any member ceasing to a member of the Club, shall forfeit all right to claim upon the Club,
any entitlement to fees paid, and any entitlement to represent the Club at tournaments or
12. Club Nights
12.1 The Club season shall run from the first week in September until the end of April in the
following year.
12.2 Club nights will normally be Tuesday and Thursday and play will be from 8pm to 11pm.
12.3 Games on club nights should normally be of 13 minutes duration.
12.4 A Peg Board or equivalent system will be used.
12.5 All members must do 2 nights on the Peg Board or equivalent system. The committee will draw up a schedule for the season detailing Peg Board responsibilities. If a member is unavailable for their duty, it is their responsibility to arrange cover/sub.
12.6 During the League and Cup season, one or two courts will be made available for home
matches. In exceptional circumstances, 3 courts may need to be set aside for League/Cup matches.
12.7 Home matches for Cup/League are allowed 15 mins court time prior to the commencement of their match. Requests to play games with other members (non-Cup/League playing) prior to their match will not be allowed.
13. Club Dissolution
13.1 A resolution to dissolve the Club can only be passed at an AGM or EGM and will require the
approval of at least two-thirds of the members present and eligible to vote at the AGM or
13.2 In the event of dissolution, any assets of the Club will be donated to an approved charity.
14. Covid Pandemic/Similar Unforeseen Events
14.1 The Club will follow all Government, Health Organisation and Sporting Governing Bodies directives and advice to protect the club and it's members. This is not limited to the current pandemic (Covid 19) but all and any, seen and unforeseen events.
14.2 Members must adhere to all protocols and rules advised by the Club in such an event.
15. Acceptance of Club Rules
15.1 Membership of the club means acceptance of and adherence to, all the aforementioned rules.
15.2 Members will be obliged to sign a document at the start of each season, which states that they accept to be bound by the Club Rules (and separately, permission to hold members contact data) for the forthcoming season.
15.3 Failure/Refusal to sign this document will result in membership being withdrawn.
15.4 A copy of the Club Rules will be available to read in the Club Cabin. Please ask a committee member in advance, if access is required.
- Baldoyle District B.C. Committee (c) 2023