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Code of Conduct for Players
Badminton Ireland

Who does this apply to?

The Players Code of Conduct applies to all individuals participating in badminton as a player at every level.
Any breaches of the code will be referred to Badminton Ireland for consideration under it’s policies and regulations.

Players will:
Show respect for and treat everyone equally regardless of age, ability, gender, race, religion,
ethnic origin, social status or sexual orientation. Everyone has the right to be protected from


  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person within the context of badminton.

  • Play within the laws of the game.

  • Respect all officials and accept their decisions without question or complaint.

  • Take personal responsibility to ensure that they are suitably insured for their activities.

  • Wear appropriate clothing for playing badminton during training and competition.

  • Keep to agreed times for training and competitions, and inform the appropriate person in a timely manner if they need to withdraw or cannot avoid being late.

  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times.

Players will NOT:


  • Condone behaviour that contravenes the Badminton Ireland Codes of Conduct or prohibited practice.

  • Use illegal or dangerous tactics.

  • Use social or any other electronic media to publicly criticize any other player or official involved in the game of badminton or otherwise bring the sport into disrepute through inappropriate communications.

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